Corn, soybeans finish Friday higher
Grain Market Week in Review: Both new crop corn and soybean futures contracts offer a shot at solid profits. Ag Marketing IQ Successful CEOs and leaders know that they can’t do everything themselves. Instead, they will often look to surround themselves with trusted advisors to help manage their businesses or organizations. The same logic should extend to …
Rethink your plan(s)
Having more than one plan in place, and maintaining flexibility can pay off in a wet or dry season. By: Doug Ferguson Just about everyone I talked to this week had an abundance of moisture last weekend. While dealing with mud right now is a pain, we all know this will get the grass off …
Bottle calves have raised ranch kids since the beginning of time
Convincing livestock to scale the front steps and venture into the living room is another highlight in the bottle-calf child’s experience. By: Rebecca Bearden You hope you only have one each year, but you mentally prepare for whatever the season brings. You know for certain that each will have his or her own personality not …
Optimize your nutrient, water management
Growers are encouraged to reference the Almond Board’s latest resource, the Nitrogen Best Management Practices. By: Almond Board of California As almond kernels begin to grow, it’s important that trees receive the appropriate amount of resources to support that growth. From nutrient perspective, growers are encouraged to reference ABC’s latest resource – the Nitrogen Best …
Boots on the ground
Consultants share their perspective on the 2020 season, what’s next for 2021 and why they’re a valuable resource for farmers. By: Ginger Rowsey For all of agriculture’s technological advances, there’s still no substitute for boots on the ground … or the seasoned experience that comes from years of walking fields. As farmers continually battle new and …
Meat industry concerned on extra COVID worker requirements
Higher food prices could result if meat plants required to increase space requirements between workers. By: Jacqui Fatka The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is considering a temporary emergency standard that would mandate six feet of separation at meat and poultry facilities, despite if other mitigation efforts are utilized. However, the pork industry fears if …
Strong rebound in sunflower production
Sunflower Extra: Crop prices remain strong, while production acres increase. By: John Sandbakken U.S. planted area for sunflower in 2020 expanded by 27% to 1.72 million acres. Mostly favorable weather in the Northern Plains provided a boost to the 2020 U.S. average sunflower yield to a record 1,790 pounds per acre. Both factors contributed to …
What is the best way to transfer farmland to the next generation?
Explore your land distribution options to determine which is the best fit for your family farm. By: Mike Downey Undivided interests By far the most common method I run across is one generation leaving the next equal undivided ownership interests in all the real estate. This is the easiest way to treat your children equally …
Beef still consumers’ top choice for burgers
A study warns the beef industry to watch the shift of next-gen consumer diets to plant protein. Researchers compared consumption of beef to plant-based protein alternatives and found consumers of both will pay more to support their lifestyle choice. According to a recent study from Kansas State University, consumers who regularly eat beef said they …
Take a closer look at your cattle buying approach
Aiming for longevity, or ‘higher quality’ feeders may not be the best approach for long-term success By: Doug Ferguson Last week I read a couple articles that said it’s worth it to pay more for females that will be in the herd a long time, or for feeders of higher quality. I would really like …
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