Clearing up miscommunication around sustainability


NCBA’s sustainability goals aim to clear up consumer perceptions around beef production. As long as there has been language, there has been miscommunication. Nowhere is that more painfully obvious than when you’re working cattle with your family. We raised Angus cattle, and I can’t tell you how many times my father hollered at us on …

$500K project to address suicide in ag


Washington’s agriculture department will team with Department of Health, WSU. The Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) has received a $500,000 grant to work in partnership with the Washington State Department of Health (DOH) and Washington State University Extension (WSU) on a project addressing stress and suicide prevention in the agriculture community. “Farming and ranching are challenging …

Soy exports on pace for record year


Diversified buyers help offer lower volumes with higher prices for U.S. soybean farmers. By: Jacqui Fatka U.S. Soybean Export Council CEO Jim Sutter says U.S. soybean exports appear to be on a record-breaking pace for the 2021 marketing year, which ends Aug. 31. And that is not due to any one country’s purchases, but a strong, …

New ethanol bill receives mixed reviews


Next Generation Fuels Act penalizes efficient ethanol producers, while others believe it positions corn ethanol for future clean fuel use. By: Jacqui Fatka Ethanol and corn industry groups welcomed the introduction of the Next Generation Fuels Act of 2021 by Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., and a bipartisan group of co-sponsors. However, the American Coalition for …

Cattle industry commits to climate neutrality by 2040


The U.S. cattle industry is setting three main goals to hit before 2040. By: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) solidified U.S. cattle ranchers’ commitment to environmental, economic and social sustainability with the release of U.S. cattle industry sustainability goals. Beef producers in the United States are already the global leader …

Southern border tour reveals heartbreaking situation


Farm Bureau presidents hear firsthand concerns of farmers being threatened by human smugglers who abandon people, steal vehicles and vandalize property. By: Jacqui Fatka Earlier this summer all 50 state farm bureaus signed onto a letter urging the Biden administration to address the surge of undocumented immigrants entering the United States. In an effort to see …

Moisture Matters When Making Good Corn Silage


Crop producers may be able to recoup some production costs by harvesting this year’s corn crop as silage. Salvaging this year’s corn crop as silage can help crop producers recoup some production costs while providing good-quality feed for livestock. Drought-stressed, limited grain-filled corn silage still can retain a majority of its feeding value, North Dakota …

Improve pasture management with good paddock design


Pay attention to key factors when setting up grazing systems. By: Darrell Boone If you’ve heard about management-intensive grazing systems in which the animals are moved from one small paddock to another multiple times each day, you likely have one of two reactions: That would be a great way to get the absolute most out …

Keep an eye on those soybeans


Soybean Source: It’s easy to get riled up over holes in soybean leaves, but investigate before taking action. Beans can withstand some defoliation. By: Clarke McGrath It’s been a pretty challenging summer, with most of the state fighting serious drought, storm damage in many areas, and some regions even dealing with excess moisture. Even with …

Consumers drive changes in wheat breeding pipeline


Wheat Foods Council video explains how consumer demands are reflected in wheat variety breeding. As Kansas wheat farmers are delivering their last loads of grain to the elevator for the 2021 wheat harvest, they are evaluating the yield and quality of the varieties they planted. Behind this decision, however, is an entire wheat breeding pipeline. …

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