Your Ag Newsroom


Telling the Cooperative Story Through Posters

October 17, 2016

This post is part of a monthly series for national Co-op Month. Check back weekly for more. 

October is national Co-op Month, a time to celebrate the cooperative way of life and how these unique businesses impact the communities we live in. To help you promote Co-op Month to the communities you serve, and raise awareness of the importance of cooperatives, we’ll be posting weekly resources you can use. 

This week, we’re focusing on posters. There are a lot of advantages to posters. First, they’re low cost. Second, posters can be placed anywhere and be seen by anyone. You can also strategically place posters to target a particular audience. Third, a well designed poster can grab the attention of individuals already engaging in their surroundings (ex: someone looking around at a bus stop while they wait).

Find some ready-to-go, attention-grabbing posters about Co-op Month by clicking here.