Muscatine Island Research Farm to Hold Summer Field Day
Participants will learn about current crop production issues, including the lasting effects of a wet spring.
Producers and industry professionals will have an opportunity to interact with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach crop production specialists and see field and garden projects first-hand during Iowa State University’s Muscatine Island Research and Demonstration Farm summer field day June 27.
This year’s event will include a discussion of the wet spring and implications for the rest of the growing season, as well as topics related to specialty crops, and corn and soybean production.
Virgil Schmitt, field agronomist with ISU Extension and Outreach, will present “Possible Impacts of Recent Weather for the Remainder of the Growing Season.”
Clayton Carley, graduate research assistant in agronomy at Iowa State, will talk about nodule formation on soybean roots. Ajay Nair, associate professor and extension vegetable production specialist with Iowa State, will talk about managing soil fertility and quality in vegetable cropping systems.
Dominic Snyder, agricultural specialist with Iowa State University Research Farms, will talk about nitrogen management and the overall management of the research farm.
Registration begins at 6 p.m. Refreshments, including sandwiches and chips, are included.
A business meeting will follow the field day events, and will include election of the board of directors, and a discussion on restructuring the financial management of the research farm – shifting primary responsibility to Iowa State.
Membership dues for the Muscatine Island Research and Demonstration Farm are $10, and a lifetime membership is $250. Membership forms are available from Dominic Snyder, at 712-309-2240, or call Vince Lawson, at 563-260-1432.
Source: Virgil Schmitt, Dominic Snyder, Iowa State University