Harvest Considerations for Overly Dry Soybeans
The lack of precipitation and the record-setting high temperatures in some areas have caused the soybean crop to dry down rapidly. In fact, the moisture content of the beans has dropped to 8–9 percent in many fields. This situation has producers asking if they should continue to harvest the overly dry soybeans or wait for rain to add the moisture back into the beans. This is an individual decision. I will try to provide some information in this article that should help guide this decision.
Advantages of continuing to harvest the overly dry soybeans:
- Timely wheat planting.
- Reduced soil compaction.
- Fall tillage operations can be competed sooner.
The main advantage of delaying harvest and waiting for rain is the net value of each bushel harvested may be increased (see table). However, there is some risk associated with this strategy. Harvest losses may increase as soybean pods typically become more brittle with each wetting and drying cycle. Today’s varieties are more resistant to shattering, but the risk increases with repeated wetting and drying cycles.
You should also consider the following factors when making the decision to continue harvesting the overly dry soybeans or delaying harvest operations.
What is the calendar date and weather outlook?
- It is still early in the harvest season and the 6-10 and 8-14 day weather outlooks are projecting higher than normal temperatures and slightly above normal precipitation.
How will the soybeans be marketed?
- Soybeans grown for seed should be harvested at moisture levels near 13 percent to optimize seed quality. The risk of reducing seed quality increases significantly as the moisture level in the seed falls below 10 percent, so seed producers should wait for rain if moisture levels are below 10 percent.
- Producers growing soybeans under contract should check their contracts to see if an acceptable moisture level range is stated. If the overly dry beans are acceptable to buyers, harvest can continue or be delayed.
- Producers raising commercial soybeans have no marketing restrictions regarding moisture content as long as the moisture levels are below 18 percent.
Are the fields well drained or poorly drained?
- Consider harvesting poorly drained fields while soil conditions are optimal.
Can the overly dry soybeans be harvested without excessive shatter losses or splits?
Do you have the capability to recondition the overly dry soybeans?
- It is illegal to add water to any grain crop. However, it is legal to increase the moisture level of the beans by running aeration fans only when humidity levels are high. Be aware that adding too much moisture may damage the bins. Ken Hellevang at North Dakota State University (NDSU) has written several articles on reconditioning soybeans: “Consider Reconditioning Too-dry Soybeans and Other Grain,” “Soybeans May Need Rewetting” and “Reconditioning Soybeans in Storage Poses Problems.”
- For more information about reconditioning, drying, handling and storing soybeans, see NDSU’s “Soybean Production Field Guide” and Grain Drying and Storage website.
Source: Michigan State University