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The Importance of Record Keeping for Farm and Ranch Taxes

January 22, 2018

While most people must file taxes by April 16, 2018, farm and ranch taxes must be filed by March 1, 2018. Due to the filing deadline many producers are beginning the process of gathering their important paperwork. In general, the law does not require any specific kinds of records (there are a few exceptions though).

Choosing a Record Keeping System

A producer can choose any kind of record keeping system they wish to use for their business (ex. Quicken, QuickBooks, Easy Farm, Red Wing, paper ledger, etc.). The record keeping system should include a summary of all business transactions. It is imperative producers also keep supporting documents such as purchases, sales, payroll, invoices and other transactions taking place in the business. The reason why it is so important to keep these documents is that they support the entries listed in journals, ledgers, and tax returns. It is important producers keep these records for three years from when the tax return was filed (however, some records may need to be kept longer).

Benefits of Record Keeping
There are added benefits to keeping accurate records. Keeping accurate records allow producers to monitor the progress of their business, and show whether it is improving, which items are profitable, and what may need to change. Records help producers keep track of deductible expenses, as there may be many throughout the year and trying to remember them all might be difficult. Good record keeping makes preparing tax returns easier, and supports items reported on tax returns. For more information about keeping records for filing taxes, see IRS Publication 225: Farmer’s Tax Guide.

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Source: Shannon Sand, iGrow